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Solarmax Professional

Referral Program

Referral Program $500.00

At Solarmax Professional we believe the greatest compliment one can give a business is the benefit of a referred customer. 

Several years ago, it was suggested we invest the same amount into encouraging referrals as we do conventional advertising.  That one suggestion has provided a tremendous benefit to the company, not to mention our customers and referrals alike.

All products have what’s known as a unit cost of advertising.  In other words, if you take the advertising budget and divide it by the number of units sold, or in this case, solar projects, you come up with the unit cost of advertising that service or product.

In our case that figure is $500.00 and we will provide you a check for that amount for each and every customer you refer to us.

Here’s the reality, everyone you know is paying at least twice the amount per kWh (kilo watt hour) to their electric company versus what solar electricity cost. 

Were happy to provide a quote to your friends, coworkers and neighbors at no cost so they can discover the many benefits of owning a solar electrical generating system.

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